Featured Crucial Releases (Jun28 - Jul26)

The last few new weeks have been a blur. On the music front, it started out with a couple slow weeks and not much caught my ear… then the next two weeks were really solid. Then another dud to end the month. So let me dig in to each week and I’ll highlight the records worth paying attention to…starting with my top 3 from this time period.
My Favorites
My Light, My Destroyer by Cassandra Jenkins (Listen) – released July 12
My first quick pass of this album lasted like half a song. I wasn’t in the right mood or space to give it time. About week later I gave it a full pass and I’m glad it got a second chance.
There are some absolutely beautiful moments on this album. Soothing folk music, tasteful horns and strings, and the occasional nod to indie rock…all packaged with great lyrics. It’s a high quality, complete album from start to finish and well worth your time.
All Hell by Los Campesinos! (Listen) – released July 19
Los Campesinos! are one of my favorite bands of all time – just catchy, off kilter indie rock with seriously well done lyrics — sarcastic, witty, and in your face. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect with this record, as I wasn’t a super huge fan of their last two records. I did thoroughly enjoy seeing them in Toronto a couple years ago, so I knew they were still capable of everything I love about them. (See: We are Beautiful, We are Doomed; Romance is Boring; and Hello Sadness.)
I’m happy to report this record is great. One of their best and one of my favorite records of the year so far.
1 by bby (Listen) – released July 19
The Instagram algorithm delivered me this band and I’m glad for it… I hear influences like Los Campesinos!, the Strokes / Interpol / that whole early 2000s NYC scene, bedroom pop, and even hip-hop. It’s a fun album and they’ve seemingly shot music videos for all of the songs at their record release party, which is kind of brilliant and definitely gives off good, chaotic vibes. I’m interested to see where this band goes next, because this is a very solid debut.
Honorable Mentions
June 28
Loveseat by Still Woozy (Listen)
Hazy bedroom pop that is well written and catchy. A good record to throw in for background music. Nothing groundbreaking, but a good vibe overall.
July 5
The Great American Bar Scene by Zach Bryan (Listen)
Bryan is a very good songwriter and apparently very prolific, especially since he seems to be touring all the time. The prolific releases, both in quantity and length may be a detraction at this point though. Some hits on this record, but at 19 songs it’s maybe a little watered down at times. I can only imagine the pressure to strike while the iron is hot as a musician, so I’m not going to knock him too hard.
Next Time by Bacchae (Listen)
Female fronted DC punk group, that definitely keeps that torch alive. Think Slant 6, Fire Party, PRIESTS, Bikini Kill, etc. A very good release I will return to…
July 12
Charm by Clairo (Listen)
A more mature, serious version of Clairo…but maybe a little far in that direction. The bedroom pop star moves toward 70s easy listening, which has it’s moments, but ultimately hits a little flat.
July 19
Bando Stone and the New World by Childish Gambino (Listen)
This album is growing on my with repeat listens. At first I was like “WTF?!”, but there are some definite highs on this record, even if it is a little all over the place.
King of the Mischievous South Vol. 2 by Denzel Curry (Listen)
I’m a big fan of Curry’s Melt My Eyez See Your Future, ZUU, and TA13OO. He is one of the best hardcore rappers going, even incorporating punk riffs and energy into his songs. He can be unpredictable, which can lead to uneven releases. This release generally hits, though I don’t think it reaches the heights and consistency of the aforementioned records.
July 26
I SING by Sinai Vessel (Listen)
Sinai Vessel is the musical project of Caleb Cordes, who combines elements of alt-folk, indie rock, and emo into a compelling backdrop for his storytelling. It’s a well done record that I will definitely revisit. I could see this sneaking onto my end of year list with some repeated listens.
Older Discoveries
Dark Ageism by Other Half (Listen) – released 4/3
Other Half could have been on Gern Blandsten or maybe Dischord back in the 90s. I hear elements of the Van Pelt, Rye Coalition, 1.6 Band, and Native Nod on that label. As far as Dischord/DC, I hear bands like Lincoln, early Jawbox, and the like. Bottom line, it’s angular, noisy post-punk that adds a little melody on top. And it’s pretty darn good.
Keep Me on Your Mind/See You Free by Bonny Light Horseman (Listen) – released 6/7
Bonny Light Horseman dropped a double album and I didn’t even notice until a month later. I didn’t see much in terms of promotion, so maybe it’s not my fault. Kidding aside, this is Bonny Light Horseman, so you know it’s well done indie folk. The band features Eric D. Johnson from Fruit Bats and Anais Mitchell, singer-songwriter and playwright (Hadestown). I saw them open for Bon Iver a couple years back and they definitely delivered the goods.